ok...so here's the thing
Before I start saying crazy stuff like..."I can't believe it, I'm so excited, this is amazing," and making some people wanna puke. I'll say this...
I really AM excited.
You see, I'm not much of a sharer. I am a sporadic blogger at best. I can go weeks without an Insta anything, there is often radio silence on my Pinterest page and more often than not I forget about Twitter. I totally get the value of those things but I can be reticent. It's not that I'm shy or anything...I'm just a mind my own beeswax type. I'm an observer rather than a participator and while some think one is better than the other, I'm just fine with who I am.
When the kind folks at Gossamer Blue asked me to be a part of their design team...they essentially said...we dig you and what you do and we just want you to do more of it...with us, and duh, I said yes. I said yes because I want to make more stuff and sometimes I need an impetus to do so. I said yes because I've been a part of this community since the 90's...since we ladies said no to scrubs and yes to scrunchies, I said yes because I love the Gossamer Blue kits and because I thought it would be a welcome challenge. Mostly I said yes because I want to participate and share and inspire, I want to get pictures off my hard drive and write stories down on paper. I simply want to MAKE. So thanks Gossamer Blue for choosing me, thanks all you folks who still visit this blog, thanks to all those friends who never made fun of my scrapbooking, thanks to my mom who started this by teaching me the importance of storytelling and buying me more markers, spiral notebooks and Hello Kitty stickers than any one girl should need, thanks to my siblings for always acting like anything I made was the best ever and thanks to Keith...who always reminds me..."do you, boo. I got you."